The Band of Now
Prem Vidu
Prem Vidu
Is a Phoenix based sacred music artist. Originally from Waukesha, Wisconsin. Blessed to be raised by musical parents and having grown up on the sweet sounds of barbershop and dominant 7 chords. He started singing at the age of 5, but dropped that for percussion at 8. A few years later he met the teacher, Mr Serwey, who would open up the world for him. Diving into global music thru percussion was an all expansive experience, and it ignited his hunger, and ear, for world flavors. This eventually lead him to complete a BFA in Percussion Performance & Jazz Studies from Northern Illinois University.
Vidu has performed internationally throughout his music career. Most notably;in the original cast of Blast! - a Broadway show in london, in Panorama - a carnival steel Pan competition in Trinidad & Tobago, and performing with his parents in Russia in the 8th annual St. Petersburg's Barbershop Festival.
Vidu was always interested in the intention behind the music more than the music itself. The search for depth led him to explore music as a tool of prayer and an expression of devotion. eventually leading him to the world of shamanism and plant medicines. It was here, in sacred ceremony, he a would have a vision that would change his life course forever.

"there is no shorter umbilical to your soul 
than singing!"

And so, at the age of 35, he started singing again. He now combines over a decade of leading medicine ceremonies, a decade of chanting, and a lifetime of musical experience which he channels all into facilitating sacred music gatherings. He currently leads the project, "The Band of Now," which is known for facilitating kirtans in the Phoenix Valley and beyond.
He invites all to share their voices together in devotion, and to co-create a sacred space for
healing, peace and joy to be cultivated! Jai Ma!

The Band of Now is a concept, and perspective, rather than any specific ensemble. And it lives in my heart, and goes where I go. Really, it is me and who ever is co-creating with me.
It's all inclusive and brings light to the very real fact that the listener is participating
as a co-creator. The receiver is as important as the offering. When I am alone I do not sing the same as when I sing with/for other people. The listener literally draws the music forth out of me in a different way than when I am alone. This is absolutely profound and so overlooked.
And in the kirtan world where there are no performers, only facilitators and participants,
this becomes more easily apparent.
In my heart this concept goes even deeper when I step farther back and see the infinite parts of of the universe co-creating every moment I flow though. Seamlessly and perfect!
So The Band of Now literally refers to all of creation singing together. Yum!
This perspective includes a call to Presence. To now!
There is so much beauty and expansiveness in putting aside the idea of "me & mine,"
and reaching for the infinite, co-creating song together!
When we can catch a glimpse though the falsities of separateness,
we see it
can be no other way...
Separate as One,
that we may know
Here are the other kirtan facilitators that regularly co-create with me.
 I am blessed by their huge Bhakti hearts and talents
 that continually show up and support the prayers and offerings!
Listed alphabetically by first name...